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Partnerships with professionals and families are integral to accomplishing our project's goal of successful health promotion and wellness for families across the lifespan. IMPACT project works with its partners in a variety of capacities to accomplish specific objectives.  Our partners and our collaborations are briefly discussed here:


As funder for much of the work that we do, our MCHB Project Officer as well as other administrators at the Maternal and Child Health Bureau play a key role in directing our project.


The IMPACT project works in close collaboration with the American Academy of Pediatrics to develop materials aligned with its Bright Futures Health Promotion Themes.  Additionally, the AAP hosts annual meetings of the Bright Futures Family Network.

Bright Futures Family Network

All 14 organizations in the Bright Futures Family Network share the mission of providing support and encouragement to families in improving health and wellness.



Is your organization committed to promoting health and wellness for all families, including families of children/youth with special health care needs/disabilities?

If so, we would like to partner with you.

We can:

  • provide outreach to families across the country through our Family Voices Network and Bright futures Family Network;
  • provide family wisdom through the facilitation of family focus groups;
  • review materials for families to ensure that they are family-friendly.

Please contact us to discuss an opportunity.