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Home > Lifespan > Middle Childhood > 5 & 6 Year Visits
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MIDDLE CHILDHOOD: 5 & 6 Year Visits

Getting Ready for this Visit


2 boys in matching outfitsWrite down your questions. Share anything new and exciting. These are important! You and your child should be ready to participate fully in the visit. You are a partner with your health care provider; your child is learning.

Children with special needs: Discuss how school is going, support services, etc. Bring your child's updated or new Individualized Education Program (IEP) to the visit, mention treatments, medications, or visits to specialists.

At this age, your child may:

  • Balance on one foot, hop, and skip
  • Hold a pencil well: draw a person with 6 body parts; write some letters and numbers; copy squares and triangles
  • Tie a knot; dress and undress
  • Speak clearly; tell a story with full sentences; use past and present tense; use I, you, and we correctly
  • Count to 10; name at least 4 colors
  • Pay attention; follow simple directions


What's Important for this Visit

YOUR questions and concerns are the #1 priority! Your health care provider may also discuss:

  • School readiness: Routines; after school care and activities; parent-teacher communication; friends; bullying; emotions

  • Social and emotional health (mental health): Family time; temper; getting along with others

  • Food/eating and physical activity: Healthy weight; healthy meals and snacks; fruits/vegetables/whole grains; calcium for growing bones; at least 1 hour of daily activity/exercise

  • Oral health: Daily brushing/flossing; fluoride; dental home, regular dentist visits

  • Safety: Walking safely; car booster seat; helmets; swimming; sexual abuse; fire safety; smoke and carbon monoxide detectors; guns locked up


The 5 & 6 Year Visit: What To Expect

Your health care provider will do a physical exam and measure height, weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), and blood pressure. Check eyes, teeth, and mouth. Watch how he walks, uses fingers and hands. Listen to how he speaks and understands. Carry out screening tests: vision, hearing, others as needed.

  • Immunizations: See chart for any needed at this age.