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Home > Lifespan > Early Childhood > Oral Health
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  • young boy in strollerWhen the first tooth appears, brush twice a day with water or non-fluoridated toothpaste. For 2 to 4 year olds, use a pea-sized bit of fluoridated toothpaste. Teach your child how to brush each tooth surface. Welcome his help, but you will really have to do the job.
  • Make the first dental appointment when your child is about a year old. Arrange follow-up appointments every 6 months or on the schedule your dentist recommends. Ask about fluoride supplements.
  • To protect developing teeth, don't put your child to bed with a bottle. If you do give a bottle, fill it only with water.
  • Tooth decay (also called early childhood caries) is caused by bacteria. Sharing a cup or spoon can pass germs from you to your toddler. Don't clean pacifiers in your mouth.