SECTIONS: Talk with and Listen to your Teen ~ Build Healthy Relationships ~ Become Involved in the Community
Talk with and Listen to your Teen
- Try to talk with your teen every day. Sometimes it's easier to talk while doing other activities, such as eating meals, driving together, etc.
- Show an interest in your teen's life without being nosy. Ask about friends, school, work, and other interests. Be a good listener. Praise your teen's successes. Try not to give advice about problems unless asked.
- Discuss family responsibilities, expectations, and how they change with age.
- Model the positive behaviors you want your youth to have.
Build Healthy Relationships
- Talk with your teen about relationships, dating, sex, marriage, parenting, and family as issues arise. You might use a TV show, news article, or other current event to start a conversation. Don't judge, but do be honest about your views.
- Talk about what it means to be a "good friend." Get to know your teen's friends.
- Talk about bullying and dating violence.
Become Involved in the Community
- Encourage your teen to get involved in your community by volunteering, serving on a committee, or doing another activity to contribute to community well-being.
- Support safe activities at school, with community and faith organizations, and with volunteer groups to encourage personal and social development.
- Join with other parents in your community to keep all teens safe and active.